Friday, May 15, 2009

04-30-09 Eng Landing and more

A planned bird hike at English Landing Park did not work out. Although I arrived before the rain began, about 15 minutes later rain was coming down in buckets. So the bird hike didn't work out. I did see a few birds out in a flooded field next to the park and took pictures out my window. Poor picture quality, but the conditions were tough. After getting tired of the lightening and downpour, and since I wasn't planning to go to work anyway, I started driving north. I'd been told there was no rain in St. Joseph. I headed that way, and then made my way back southeast and eventually back home. Saw my First of Year Dickcissel. Don't miss the COW picture at the end.

Lifer today:
Orchard Oriole
Lark Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow
Solitary Sandpiper
Wilson's Phalarope
Purple Martins

Barn Swallow
Bank Swallow
Tree Swallows
Blue-winged Teal
Orchard Oriole
This is a COW
Speed Limit? 55 mph
Cow's speed? zero mph
*shakes head*
Altered photo of deer family

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