Saturday, April 25, 2009

Weston Bend 4-24-09

Lifers today:
  • Eastern Towhee
  • Orange-crowned Warbler
  • Northern Rough-winged Swallow
  • Swainson's Thrush
  • Warbling Vireo
  • Broad-winged Hawk
  • Great Horned Owl
Friday April 24, 2009
A clear calm sunny day to start, that around 10am changed over to partly sunny, with very windy conditions. I headed to Weston Bend State Park for the morning. I walked the entire paved trail, and then walked the River Trail and the Bear Creek Trail. Then I stopped on the way home to check out an owl nest. Even zoomed in totally the picture is not clear. But it was neat to see some activity anyway.

Some pictures from the day:

Eastern Towhee

Orange-crowned Warbler
Brown Thrasher Singing quite loudly from the top of a sycamore.

Indigo Bunting
Yellow-Rumped Warbler
Baltimore Oriole (young male)
Baltimore Oriole (young male)
White-throated Sparrow
White-breasted Nuthatch
Sleeping possum or raccon.
Chipping Sparrow
Unknown #2a
Unknown #2b
Eastern Phoebe
Northern Rough-winged Swallow
Swainson's Thrush
Swainson's ThrushWarbling Vireo
Broad-winged Hawk Great Horned Owl (young),
another birder got an excellent photo of this guy!
(unknown, at I-435 and Skyview KCMO)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Bean Lake April 1

I walked the paths at Bean Lake and then meandered back roads between there and St. Joseph. I believe I saw a Henslow sparrow in the country, the color of the head was eye-catching. Unfortunately it dipped back down into the field before I could even raise my camera. I've been back to the same place and haven't seen one. Lots of other sparrows. All the usual ducks out today.

American White Pelican
D-C Cormorants huddled on this island

Fox Sparrow

Great Egret

R-C Kinglet

Savannah Sparrow

Tree Swallow

Squaw Creek April 8

A lovely place to spend a vacation day.

I did have a very short scary moment. Just after turning up to the northern marsh area, turned off the car to take pictures and when I tried to start it again, NOTHING. After recovering from the initial panic moment, I remember that DH said my car battery clamps are just a bit loose. I checked and they were VERY loose again. (I have a very shaky car!). I was able to turn them enough to get contact with the battery and all was well. Car started right up. *whew*.

My favorite pics from the day.

The blue of the bluebirds was just glowing. Just beautiful!
Check out these guys with their tails on display!
Very impressive!
Sparrow (song?)
Hooded Merganser couple
Sparrow (savannah?)
Yes, it's a cowbird. I think they're pretty.
Bald eagle pics, including the nest.
No baby pictures.

Norther Flicker. He was determined to stay in the shade.
Someday I will get a good picture of a flicker.
Greater Yellowlegs.
Great Egrets
Pelicans overhead